Fire Safety Training
Cromwell Fire offer a range of fire safety training courses to ensure you have the awareness and knowledge to protect yourself from fire, and respond accordingly, in a safe and rational manner should a fire break out.
Fire Warden or Fire Marshal Training
This 3½ hour course will ensure a thorough understanding of the responsibilities and legal requirements of a fire warden, including:
Testing and maintenance of fire equipment and systems
Live fire training and action in case of fire
Fire training requirements of all staff
Basic fire prevention arrangements and fire drills
Fire safety signs and records and registers
Fire Extinguisher Training
We offer either a simple 2 hour fire extinguisher training course, both of which will ensure your staff have the skills to adequately protect themselves in the event of a small fire. This will include live fire training and action in case of a fire, extinguisher methods and which type of extinguisher is most appropriate for each circumstance.
Fire Safety on Construction Sites
This 3 hour training course focusses on potential hazards that could present a risk on construction sites and general precautions, including:
Descriptions and uses of different fire extinguishers
Hot work control and the use of tar boilers
Use and storage of flammable liquids and gasses
Fire protective covering and sheeting
Action in case of fire
Fire safety signs and notices
We also deliver a range of Fire Safety Talks specifically for groups that previously have had no training, work in more hazardous environments or need specialised training. This includes training for small businesses such as garages, hotels or pubs and warehouses, awareness and safety training for groups of children, such as Scouts and Guides, as well as more independent organisations like babysitting groups.
The above courses are available on or off site.
Call Denise on 01487 823022 to book a course,